Netflix / governator

Governator is a library of extensions and utilities that enhance Google Guice to provide: classpath scanning and automatic binding, lifecycle management, configuration to field mapping, field validation and parallelized object warmup.
Apache License 2.0
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Interceptors #105

Open jojorabbit opened 10 years ago

jojorabbit commented 10 years ago

I was doing something with interceptors but could not get them working with governator while with guice they work ok. Simple example code can be found here:

Am getting injecter like this: LifecycleInjector li = LifecycleInjector.builder().build(); Injector injector = li.createInjector(new DemoModule());

from the example above it does not print any invocations like Invocation of method rentMovie() with parameters [1] took 26.0 ms.

but when i get injector with Guice : Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new DemoModule()); then it prints out all messages.

Is there some example with intercepting methods i did not found anything about aop in wiki? Am i creating injector properly or am i missing something? Thanks.

elandau commented 10 years ago

Without having tried this myself you might want to attempt installing DemoModule as a bootstrap module.

LifecycleInjector.builder().withBootstrapModule(new DemoModule()).builder().build().createInjector();

DemoModule would have to implement BootstrapModule.

jojorabbit commented 10 years ago

Tnx. It works when i bind Interceptor like this in bootstrap module: TraceInterceptor ti = new TraceInterceptor(); binder.bindInterceptor(any(), annotatedWith(Traced.class), ti);

But it hangs after first method executed if i bind it like this: binder.bindInterceptor(subclassesOf(VideoRental.class), any(), ti); not sure what is going on in background. Thanks.

Randgalt commented 10 years ago

I haven't tried interceptors before. But, a wild guess is that is has something to do with Governator's use of Child Injectors. A recent PR makes child injectors optional. Build from source and run without child injectors and let me know.