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Argo Events: trigger sensors are not deleted #1870

Closed gabriel-rp closed 2 weeks ago

gabriel-rp commented 1 month ago


I'm using Metaflow with Argo Workflows. When I run argo-workflows delete, the Workflow Template gets deleted, but none of the sensors do, they're left behind consuming resources. I've found this to be the case only when using the @project decorator.

Root cause

When Metaflow registers the sensor, it replaces dots with hyphens in the workflow name.

            # Register sensor. Unfortunately, Argo Events Sensor names don't allow for
            # dots (sensors run into an error) which rules out :(
            # Metaflow will overwrite any existing sensor.
            sensor_name =".", "-")

However, this is not done when it's time to delete them.

sensor_deleted = client.delete_sensor(name)

In this context, name is the workflow name.

I have confirmed this behavior by checking the logs of my K8s cluster. There is an attempt to delete a sensor named mytestproject.user.g.pereira.3.mytestflow, but the real sensor is called mytestproject-user-g-pereira-3-mytestflow.

Here's the flow used for that example:

from metaflow import FlowSpec, step, project, trigger

class MyTestFlow(FlowSpec):
    def start(self):

    def end(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":

Furthermore, this explains why the error only occurs when the @project decorator is used, because otherwise there is no . in the name, therefore the workflow and sensor names are the same.