Netflix / osstracker

Github organization OSS metrics collector and metrics dashboard
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Need to share Kibana queries and dashboards #1

Open aspyker opened 8 years ago

aspyker commented 8 years ago

The console links to two difference NetflixOSS Kibana dashboards. Currently, there is no definition in the project for these dashboards. We need to find a way to export the ones used in Netflix in a way that they can be reused by adopters of osstracker.

aspyker commented 8 years ago

Still working on how to share dashboards, but dumping this out for now ..

aspyker commented 8 years ago

To create our overall dashboard, there are four visualizations (visState):

osstracker_per_repo_open_issues_bars { "type": "histogram", "params": { "shareYAxis": true, "addTooltip": true, "addLegend": false, "mode": "stacked", "defaultYExtents": false }, "aggs": [ { "id": "1", "type": "max", "schema": "metric", "params": { "field": "issues.openCount" } }, { "id": "2", "type": "terms", "schema": "segment", "params": { "field": "repo_name", "size": 70, "order": "desc", "orderBy": "1" } } ], "listeners": {} }

osstracker_per_repo_open_issues_stacked { "type": "area", "params": { "shareYAxis": true, "addTooltip": true, "addLegend": false, "mode": "stacked", "defaultYExtents": false }, "aggs": [ { "id": "1", "type": "max", "schema": "metric", "params": { "field": "issues.openCount" } }, { "id": "2", "type": "date_histogram", "schema": "segment", "params": { "field": "asOfISO", "interval": "day", "min_doc_count": 1, "extended_bounds": {} } }, { "id": "3", "type": "terms", "schema": "group", "params": { "field": "repo_name", "size": 0, "order": "desc", "orderBy": "1" } } ], "listeners": {} }

osstracker_per_repo_open_pullrequests_bars { "type": "histogram", "params": { "shareYAxis": true, "addTooltip": true, "addLegend": false, "mode": "stacked", "defaultYExtents": false }, "aggs": [ { "id": "1", "type": "max", "schema": "metric", "params": { "field": "pullRequests.openCount" } }, { "id": "2", "type": "terms", "schema": "segment", "params": { "field": "repo_name", "size": 70, "order": "desc", "orderBy": "1" } } ], "listeners": {} }

osstracker_per_repo_open_pullrequests_stacked { "type": "area", "params": { "shareYAxis": true, "addTooltip": true, "addLegend": false, "mode": "stacked", "defaultYExtents": false }, "aggs": [ { "id": "1", "type": "max", "schema": "metric", "params": { "field": "pullRequests.openCount" } }, { "id": "2", "type": "date_histogram", "schema": "segment", "params": { "field": "asOfISO", "interval": "day", "min_doc_count": 1, "extended_bounds": {} } }, { "id": "3", "type": "terms", "schema": "group", "params": { "field": "repo_name", "size": 0, "order": "desc", "orderBy": "1" } } ], "listeners": {} }

each of these has kibanaSavedObjectMeta.searchSourceJSON:

{ "index": "osstracker", "query": { "query_string": { "query": "*", "analyze_wildcard": true } }, "filter": [] }

aspyker commented 8 years ago

The per repo dashboard is a bit more complicated as it was implemented currently in Kibana 3. I want to move it to Kibana 4 before sharing here. Until then, the per repo one is a basic dashboard of the following stats:

open issues, open pull requests, avg days to close issue, avg days to close pr, forks, stars, days since last commit, number of contributors, number of closed issues, number of closed pull requests.

aspyker commented 8 years ago

So it seems that our Kibana internally is 4.0.1 and the export/import was added in 4.1. I'll see if I can get this going on Docker with the 4.1 Kibana and then export from it.

aspyker commented 8 years ago

Here is the main dashboard export from a docker Kibana. Thanks to @kakawait for getting us a newer Kibana. It should import. It would be great if someone could test this and then I could automate this in the Docker setup to import to Kibana.

Note that the bottom two graphs will be empty until there is two days worth of data.

gsaslis commented 6 years ago

@aspyker I see kibana is missing from the docker-compose script...? or am I missing something?

tiny-dancer commented 6 years ago

@aspyker is there an update on the OSSTracker-Per-Repo dashboard being available for import?