Netflix / photon

Photon is a Java implementation of the Interoperable Master Format (IMF) standard. IMF is a SMPTE standard whose core constraints are defined in the specification st2067-2:2013
Apache License 2.0
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Not reporting missing VideoLineMap element #296

Open fschleich opened 2 years ago

fschleich commented 2 years ago

Photon currently does not report an error for the attached CPL (or the complete package), even though the VideoLineMap element is missing from the CDCI Descriptor.

Even though the element "shall be ignored" according to ST 2067-20:2016, VideoLineMap is a Best Effort element per ST 377-1:2011 Section F.4.1 Generic Picture Essence Descriptor. The element shall therefore be present in the encoded file and an error should be raised.
