Netflix / photon

Photon is a Java implementation of the Interoperable Master Format (IMF) standard. IMF is a SMPTE standard whose core constraints are defined in the specification st2067-2:2013
Apache License 2.0
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Adding IMSC 1.1 profile designators #344

Open IMFTool opened 1 year ago

IMFTool commented 1 year ago

Also includes the Netflix IMSC 1.1 Text Profile designator.

IMFTool commented 1 year ago

12fa94b Is about adding IMSC 1.1 profile designators. Currently Photon only accepts the two IMSC 1.0.1 profile designators.

900c972 The EssenceType is a Track File property, determined based on the EssenceDescriptor. All timed text track files are “Data Essence”. The SequenceType in turn is a CPL property, determined by the respective Virtual Track. Subtitles, Karaoke etc. only exist as SequenceType, not as EssenceType.