Netflix / ribbon

Ribbon is a Inter Process Communication (remote procedure calls) library with built in software load balancers. The primary usage model involves REST calls with various serialization scheme support.
Apache License 2.0
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RestClient marked deprecated but still used in all the docs - replacement API is unclear #243

Open ispringer opened 9 years ago

ispringer commented 9 years ago is marked as deprecated, but it is not clear what the replacement API is. The javadoc comment says "Please see ribbon-rxnetty module for the Netty based client", but that didn't help me figure out what the replacement API is and how to use it. The docs still talk about RestClient, e.g. If the class is truly deprecated, please update the docs with examples of using the replacement API. Otherwise, undeprecate it.

esigma5 commented 9 years ago

Hi there. There's also that I guess is the same. Luckily someone would mark one of them as duplicate and would answer it, but it seems that no one at netflix is currently working on this project right now.

ispringer commented 9 years ago

I missed that one. Thanks.

Yeah, I also noticed that the project appears dead. Last commit was 3 months ago...

netrebel commented 8 years ago

I had the same question... I think we are meant to use: io.reactivex.netty.protocol.http.client.HttpClient

Something like this:

IClientConfig clientConfig = IClientConfig.Builder.newBuilder(url).build();
            clientConfig.set(IClientConfigKey.Keys.ListOfServers, url);
LoadBalancingHttpClient<ByteBuf, ByteBuf> ribbonClient = RibbonTransport.newHttpClient(clientConfig);
esigma5 commented 8 years ago

Nice! I read they are accepting PRs, so maybe you could create one :)