Open AbbelSop opened 8 years ago
I am having the same issue. Have you found a solution yet?
Hi @pwillemann Not directly. I analyzed the problem with some developers at the wildfly-swarm forum and we found out that the two options are completly ignored in the current ribbon implementation (at least in the client that is used when using the proxy or template way to use ribbon). Since Ribbon is now in maintanance mode (you can only create pull-requests to fix issues yourself) i opted to implement the loadbalancing myself. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask away (if you are using wildfly-swarm just stop by the forum, you can find the link on their site).
Hi everyone, I am trying to send bigger parts of data with loadingbalancing over Ribbon. I created my Services like it is shown in the proxy-example from the ribbon-examples (via Annotations). However when sending bigger chunks of data in one service call i get the Exception from the description. After some googling i only founds solutions like described here which seems not to be an optimal solution. I tried setting the properties "RecieveBufferSize" and "SendBufferSize" in my ClientProperties-Annotation but that did not have any effect. Is there an easy solution for fixing this problem without getting into the netty-code and if so how could i go about his? Sorry if an issue was not the correct way to ask this question but i did not find a forum or such for Ribbon. Any help is greatly appreciated