Netflix / vizceral-example

Example Vizceral app
Apache License 2.0
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Updating traffic layout when data has changed #41

Open maxio89 opened 6 years ago

maxio89 commented 6 years ago

My backend serves data using some endpoint, but when data is changed these changes are not reflected in a layout. New nodes don't appear and if metric values are changed I don't see this. I have to click on a breadcrumb, change the view or refresh the whole page to see the new data.

How to do that automatically? I can see that render() function is called each time the data are changed, but this doesn't trigger any change in a view. Why?

franpog859 commented 6 years ago

I have the same problem. State is updated in Vizceral component, render() function is called with the new traffic data inside but nothing changes on the site automatically. What is the reason?

franpog859 commented 6 years ago

I found something like this: It seems to work!