Netflix / vizceral-example

Example Vizceral app
Apache License 2.0
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Node names containing a colon cause DOM Exception during navigation #49

Closed aSqrd-eSqrd closed 3 years ago

aSqrd-eSqrd commented 6 years ago

This is an odd one and it isn't actually a bug in vizceral-example.

If the node name contains a colon and you double-click to zoom into the detailed node view window.history.pushState will throw a DOMException and lock up the page.

I eventually figured out that if you simply prepend a forward slash to the URL window.history.pushState will happily accept URLs with colons. For some reason, window.history.pushState will place the forward slash between pieces of the URL auto-magically unless there is a colon, then it doesn't insert the forward slash. Adding a hard coded forward slash fixes this.

PR #48 "fixes" this... well compensates for it. The issue is in window.history.pushState.

aSqrd-eSqrd commented 3 years ago

Closed by #48