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Controller: units continuously toggles connected/disconnected #638

Closed gsanchietti closed 2 days ago

gsanchietti commented 1 week ago

Upon exceeding approximately 20 units, the list of units connected to the controller begins to exhibit anomalous behavior. The status of the VPN connection continuously toggles between connected and disconnected randomly, even though the connection remains up. When a unit is shown as disconnected, the connection link is not displayed, which is appropriate.


Steps to reproduce

  1. Connect more than 20 units to the controller.
  2. Observe the list of connected units in the controller UI.
  3. Notice the VPN connection status toggling between connected and disconnected randomly.

Expected behavior

The unit list should remain stable, accurately reflecting the connection status of each unit.

Actual behavior

The unit list shows erratic behavior, with connection statuses toggling randomly.

Proposed Solution


NS8 NethSecurity version: 0.0.22

See also

gsanchietti commented 1 week ago

Test case 1

Test case 2

gsanchietti commented 1 week ago

Test case 1 failed: a new connected machine, does not have remote info so it's not possible to connect to machine and operate on it.

Failed request:

curl -X GET '' --insecure -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer xxx' 
{"code":400,"data":"","message":"request failed for: 28289956-e16f-4379-9417-631225cc6478"}


Jul 08 10:54:08 api[238490]: nethsecurity_controller 2024/07/08 10:54:08 middleware.go:181: [INFO][AUTH] authorization success for user admin. GET /units/28289956-e16f-4379-9417-631225cc6478/token 
Jul 08 10:54:10 api[238490]: [GIN] 2024/07/08 - 10:54:10 | 400 |  2.002186352s | | GET      "/units/28289956-e16f-4379-9417-631225cc6478/token"
Jul 08 10:54:10 proxy[238554]: - - [08/Jul/2024:10:54:08 +0000] "GET /api/units/28289956-e16f-4379-9417-631225cc6478/token HTTP/1.1" 400 108 "-" "-" 488 "routerapi@file" "" 2002ms
Jul 08 10:54:10 traefik[57500]: - - [08/Jul/2024:10:54:08 +0000] "GET /api/units/28289956-e16f-4379-9417-631225cc6478/token HTTP/2.0" 400 91 "-" "-" 4037 "nethsecurity-controller2-https@file" "" 2003ms
gsanchietti commented 2 days ago

Test case 1 verified

gsanchietti commented 2 days ago

Test case 2 verified

gsanchietti commented 2 days ago

Released ns8-nethsecurity-controller 0.0.23