Nethereum / Nethereum.Game.Sample

Crossplatform game sample using Nethereum and UrhoSharp
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Memory Hack Vulnerability #4

Open briveramelo opened 4 years ago

briveramelo commented 4 years ago

This is still subject to a memory hack (modifying the int score passed into this function) with a tool like Cheat Engine and more. See

Given this significant vulnerability, what problem does the blockchain solve?

juanfranblanco commented 4 years ago

This is a sample, of how you can use the blockchain to store permanently your gamer profile, scores, purchases, etc. This is not a sample on gaming security, actually I wanted to see if anybody will tell me if they have hacked the, as you have said tampering the score, finding the private key etc.

Of course this is easily hacked, it can be easily decompiled the app too. A more complex solution will be to combine the game play with state channnels, and server side step by step validation of play.

Of course it also depends on your scenario. If your intention is to build your reputation as a gamer. Once you you attach your identity (gamer player avatar across different games), would you want to be known as a cheat ?