Nethereum / Nethereum.Uport

Spike on uport library integration - to be refactored
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Docs #1

Open MartinOpde opened 6 years ago

MartinOpde commented 6 years ago

Do you have docs for uPort integration ?

juanfranblanco commented 6 years ago

Oh Uport has changed still work in progress, so I am waiting for it to settle to integrate.

MartinOpde commented 6 years ago

Do you know if I can integrate uport within an app using Nethereum ?

juanfranblanco commented 6 years ago

Well when is ready, it will be possible.

pvanroos commented 4 years ago

@juanfranblanco Hey. I would love to use Nethereum with uPort. Any progress on this? Is there a better option than uPort for auth?

juanfranblanco commented 4 years ago

Hi @pvanroos well the idea is to start working on a DID implementation that will integrate with uports registry and provide a register. What is your use case for authentication? What is your device? A simple authentication is to integrate with the browser signer (Metamask :) ) using blazor either server side or client side which i am also working on

pvanroos commented 4 years ago

Hi @juanfranblanco

I'm with ya man. I'm building pretty much the same thing.

...basically a Blazor WebAssembly app, served from IPFS (via IPNS), auth'd with some sort of DID. Then I use some sort of private key from the DID to sign all of the other important stuff like cryptocurrency, data, etc.

This is my dream. I've been trying for years to build something like this. Fully decentralized.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not a decentralized bigot. I understand the pluralism needed in different parts of an app. Some parts are centralized, distributed and decentralized. It's not a purity contest. It all depends on what the requirements are.

Anyway, Nethereum rocks and I'd love to be able to get something working that is actually usable by my father.

juanfranblanco commented 4 years ago

@pvanroos Well we have now a full release of Blazor web assembly and the DID standard although rather abstracted, seems to be there, now is a question of implementation although there is plenty to work there as there is nothing in .Net. The simplest starting point is to create the Ethereum registry and resolver (my plan) and the move up to the Universal ones.

What is your expectation for authentication / authorization using a dapp?

juanfranblanco commented 4 years ago

And I share your goals :) Anybody should be able to "simply" use it, "simply" develop an app with it, and chose if they want to host their DID Documents themselves or delegate them to a third party. Ideally the former first and the second will be a plugin to existing or new providers.

pvanroos commented 4 years ago

@juanfranblanco Exactly. You are more eloquent and articulate at explaining it. :-)

Are there any alternatives to uPort that you've come across?

juanfranblanco commented 4 years ago

Ethereum specific, most build on the standards set by Uport, although there is a java driver for which is another standard of identity in ethereum.

juanfranblanco commented 4 years ago

oh and a sidetree for ethereum, which just pushes txn events for immutability but keeps the data internally.