NethermindEth / StarknetByExample

A collection of examples of Cairo smart contracts for Starknet.
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bug: Solidity-compatible hashes #123

Open enitrat opened 1 year ago

enitrat commented 1 year ago

There is a problem with the example of solidity-compatible hashes. The way it's currently done is that it calls keccak_u256s_be_inputs to hash a span composed of u256 words - however this function expects only full u256 words!

Consider the following:

use debug::PrintTrait;
use keccak::keccak_u256s_be_inputs;

fn test_full_world() {
    let input_data: Span<u256> = array![
    let hashed = keccak_u256s_be_inputs(input_data);

    // Split the hashed value into two 128-bit segments
    let low: u128 = hashed.low;
    let high: u128 = hashed.high;

    // Reverse each 128-bit segment
    let reversed_low = integer::u128_byte_reverse(low);
    let reversed_high = integer::u128_byte_reverse(high);

    // Reverse merge the reversed segments back into a u256 value
    let compatible_hash = u256 { low: reversed_high, high: reversed_low };

        compatible_hash == 0xa9c584056064687e149968cbab758a3376d22aedc6a55823d1b3ecbee81b8fb9,
        'wrong hash'

fn test_partial_word() {
    let input_data: Span<u256> = array![0xAA].span();
    let hashed = keccak_u256s_be_inputs(input_data);

    // Split the hashed value into two 128-bit segments
    let low: u128 = hashed.low;
    let high: u128 = hashed.high;

    // Reverse each 128-bit segment
    let reversed_low = integer::u128_byte_reverse(low);
    let reversed_high = integer::u128_byte_reverse(high);

    // Reverse merge the reversed segments back into a u256 value
    let compatible_hash = u256 { low: reversed_high, high: reversed_low };

        compatible_hash == 0xdb81b4d58595fbbbb592d3661a34cdca14d7ab379441400cbfa1b78bc447c365,
        'wrong hash'

If you run the tests, you'll notice that it works for the full u256 word (with all bits set) but not for the word that is not full.

This is a bit tricky, but basically what you should do instead is:

See how it's implemented in Alexandria for bytes inputs, or Herodotus for u64-words inputs.

julio4 commented 1 year ago

@julienbrs will work on it

fontanellag commented 11 months ago

Start working on it too.

IjayAbby commented 6 months ago

@julio4 kindly assign me this issue

IjayAbby commented 6 months ago

@julio4 where is the best place for me to test the bug? Can't seem to find it

julio4 commented 6 months ago

@julio4 where is the best place for me to test the bug? Can't seem to find it

You need to add a new test that specifically verify this case

IjayAbby commented 6 months ago

Should I add it under listings/testing_how_to directory?

julio4 commented 6 months ago

Should I add it under listings/testing_how_to directory?

This is a bug with the solidity-compatible hashes example, so you should fix the bug and add tests directly in this listing directory.

IjayAbby commented 5 months ago

Hello @julio4 I need little clarity Am I supposed to replace the existing code on tests.cairo with the code snippet provided above?