NethermindEth / cairo-vm-go

A virtual machine for Cairo written in Go
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feat: `math` hints integration tests #440

Closed TAdev0 closed 2 weeks ago

TAdev0 commented 1 month ago

Not te be merged now. Will add cairo files one after the other after testing.

For now, these cairo files are not detected when doing make integration as i created new folders to store them. Will adapte the make integration command input fetching once Finalize Segment PR is merged

TAdev0 commented 1 month ago

@cicr99 i tried copy pasting the lambda go VM but it still doesnt work.

Lambda uses const instead of string:

const SIGNED_DIV_REM = "from starkware.cairo.common.math_utils import as_int, assert_integer\n\nassert_integer(ids.div)\nassert 0 < ids.div <= PRIME // range_check_builtin.bound, \\\n    f'div={hex(ids.div)} is out of the valid range.'\n\nassert_integer(ids.bound)\nassert ids.bound <= range_check_builtin.bound // 2, \\\n    f'bound={hex(ids.bound)} is out of the valid range.'\n\nint_value = as_int(ids.value, PRIME)\nq, ids.r = divmod(int_value, ids.div)\n\nassert -ids.bound <= q < ids.bound, \\\n    f'{int_value} / {ids.div} = {q} is out of the range [{-ids.bound}, {ids.bound}).'\n\nids.biased_q = q + ids.bound"

when i do

signedPowCode string = "from starkware.cairo.common.math_utils import as_int, assert_integer\n\nassert_integer(ids.div)\nassert 0 < ids.div <= PRIME // range_check_builtin.bound, \\\n    f'div={hex(ids.div)} is out of the valid range.'\n\nassert_integer(ids.bound)\nassert ids.bound <= range_check_builtin.bound // 2, \\\n    f'bound={hex(ids.bound)} is out of the valid range.'\n\nint_value = as_int(ids.value, PRIME)\nq, ids.r = divmod(int_value, ids.div)\n\nassert -ids.bound <= q < ids.bound, \\\n    f'{int_value} / {ids.div} = {q} is out of the range [{-ids.bound}, {ids.bound}).'\n\nids.biased_q = q + ids.bound"

it doesnt work
TAdev0 commented 1 month ago

there is probably a trick to make it work with string , any idea?