NethermindEth / cairo-vm-go

A virtual machine for Cairo written in Go
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Feat: add getHighLen hint #607

Closed coxmars closed 4 months ago

coxmars commented 4 months ago

Implement getHighLen Hint


This PR implements the getHighLen hint for the CairoVM in Go. The hint calculates the highest bit length of two variables and assigns the result to ids.len_hi.

Changes Applied

Pending Tasks


I plan to add the necessary unit and integration tests soon. I would greatly appreciate your feedback on the current implementation.

Resolves #558

MaksymMalicki commented 4 months ago

Also, once you resolve the comments, make sure to add unit tests and resolve the conflicts

MaksymMalicki commented 4 months ago

Hey @coxmars, are you still working on this PR? Haven't heard from you in a couple of days 😛

coxmars commented 4 months ago

Hey @coxmars, are you still working on this PR? Haven't heard from you in a couple of days 😛

Yes sir, sorry for the delay I will send de PR today probably 🫡

coxmars commented 4 months ago

Hi @MaksymMalicki @TAdev0 I applied the comments, if I need to change/improve something else just let me know and I will do it, thanks 🫡

MaksymMalicki commented 4 months ago

Looks very good overall, good job! 🚀 Make sure to copy this integration test to the integration tests folder and make sure it works. You run the integration tests using make integration command. If it works, then I will give an approve!

EDIT: I see that the CI has thrown some errors. Make sure to run unit tests using make unit command and fix all the problems!

coxmars commented 4 months ago

Looks very good overall, good job! 🚀 Make sure to copy this integration test to the integration tests folder and make sure it works. You run the integration tests using make integration command. If it works, then I will give an approve!

EDIT: I see that the CI has thrown some errors. Make sure to run unit tests using make unit command and fix all the problems!

Thank you I will do it, if I get an error or obstacle I will let you know

coxmars commented 4 months ago

Hi @MaksymMalicki @TAdev0 I needed to fix typo, syntaxis errors and added integration test, however, I'm facing this error so I'm trying to solve it but for the moment I sent this changes. If you have suggestions about this issue could be great 🫡

MaksymMalicki commented 4 months ago

Hi @MaksymMalicki @TAdev0 I needed to fix typo, syntaxis errors and added integration test, however, I'm facing this error so I'm trying to solve it but for the moment I sent this changes. If you have suggestions about this issue could be great 🫡


Yes, in this line in unit tests: newGetHighLenHint(ctx.operanders["len_hi"], ctx.operanders["scalar_u"], ctx.operanders["scalar_v"]) you need to pass ctx.operanders["scalar_u.d0"] and ctx.operanders["scalar_v.d0"] instead of ctx.operanders["scalar_u"] and ctx.operanders["scalar_v"], as you are creating the references with those names in the operanders field. scalar_u.d0 represents an address to the first of the three cells. Treat this as reference:

coxmars commented 4 months ago

Hi @MaksymMalicki @TAdev0 I needed to fix typo, syntaxis errors and added integration test, however, I'm facing this error so I'm trying to solve it but for the moment I sent this changes. If you have suggestions about this issue could be great 🫡


Yes, in this line in unit tests: newGetHighLenHint(ctx.operanders["len_hi"], ctx.operanders["scalar_u"], ctx.operanders["scalar_v"]) you need to pass ctx.operanders["scalar_u.d0"] and ctx.operanders["scalar_v.d0"] instead of ctx.operanders["scalar_u"] and ctx.operanders["scalar_v"], as you are creating the references with those names in the operanders field. scalar_u.d0 represents an address to the first of the three cells. Treat this as reference:

Thanks sir, now I think unit test is working as you can see below

TAdev0 commented 4 months ago

hi @coxmars integration is failing for this cairo line

    assert get_highlen(BigInt3(0, 0, 8), BigInt3(0, 0, 0)) = 3;

get_highlen cairo function returns 250 instead of 3 . There is probably a logic error in your hint

TAdev0 commented 4 months ago

@coxmars just added fmt.Println(bitLenU) and ran integration tests, indeed bitLenU returns 251

i think calling BitLen on a field is not a good idea, because a small value will be represente as a huge number as a felt. This is why we get 251 bits to represent the value 8 as a felt

TAdev0 commented 4 months ago

@coxmars convert to big int first before calculating the bit length and it will work :

                    var scalarUD2 big.Int
            scalarUD2 = *scalarUValues[2].BigInt(&scalarUD2)

            var scalarVD2 big.Int
            scalarVD2 = *scalarVValues[2].BigInt(&scalarVD2)

            bitLenU := scalarUD2.BitLen()
            bitLenV := scalarVD2.BitLen()

            lenHi := utils.Max(bitLenU, bitLenV) - 1
=== RUN   TestCairoZeroFiles
    cairozero_test.go:57: testing: cairo_zero_hint_tests/highest_bitlen.small.cairo
--- PASS: TestCairoZeroFiles (1.76s)
ok  1.969s
coxmars commented 4 months ago


Thanks for the help and feedback guys, I really appreciate it 🫡🤝🏼 @MaksymMalicki @TAdev0