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Remove Goerli from Juno codebase #1758

Open rianhughes opened 3 months ago

rianhughes commented 3 months ago

Context: the Goerli network is being deprecated, but Juno tests still rely on it. The tests that rely on Goerli should be updated to use the Sepolia network instead.

RPC based tests that require Goerli:

Goerli is used in other non-rpc tests (sn2core, blockchian, cmd, etc). These should also be updated, but the RPC tests might be a good place for newcomers to start

Note: any newcomers that are interested in working on this issue, should 1) open a new issue stating which test they want to fix, 2) create a new working branch, 3) implement the fix, 4) create a new PR, and assign someone form the Juno team to review it.

Note: these tasks need done before April 11th (Goerli testnet support will be removed April 11, 2024.)

stefanalfbo commented 1 month ago

Hi, all the tests concerning the rpc package do not include any of the goerli networks anymore.

However the following tests are still using the goerli network as a reference:

scarfacedotcom commented 1 month ago

Can i take this one up?