NethermindEth / juno

Starknet client implementation.
Apache License 2.0
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Update #1779

Closed mettete closed 3 months ago

mettete commented 3 months ago


Currently, the README for the Juno Node setup provides comprehensive details on installation and running the node using Docker. However, it lacks instructions for updating the Juno Node. This is a crucial step for users to keep their nodes up-to-date with the latest changes and improvements.

Proposed Change

I propose adding a new section to the README titled "Updating Juno Node". This section would guide users through the steps needed to update their Juno Node using Docker. The process involves stopping the old container, removing it, and running a new container with the latest Docker image.

Suggested Steps for Update

  1. Stopping the Old Juno Node: Users need to stop the currently running Juno container. This can be done using the command: bash docker stop juno

  2. Removing the Old Container: After stopping the container, it should be removed. This ensures that the new container can be started without naming conflicts. The command for this step is: bash docker rm juno

  3. Running the New Juno Node: Finally, users can run a new Juno Node container using the latest Docker image. The command is similar to the initial run command but ensures the latest image is used: bash docker run -d \ --name juno \ -p 6060:6060 \ -v $HOME/juno:/var/lib/juno \ nethermind/juno:latest \ --http \ --http-port 6060 \ --http-host \ --db-path /var/lib/juno \ --eth-node <YOUR-ETH-NODE>


This addition will make the README more comprehensive and assist users in keeping their Juno Nodes up-to-date with minimal hassle. It will also help in reducing the potential issues caused by running outdated versions of the node.

I am happy to contribute to this update. Please let me know if there are any specific guidelines or additional information required for this contribution.

Thank you for considering this improvement to the Juno Node documentation.

wojciechos commented 3 months ago

Hey @mettete, thanks for the PR! We already have instructions for updating Juno in our official docs here:, which are linked in the GitHub repo. I'd like to keep our README simple. What do you think?

mettete commented 3 months ago

Hey @mettete, thanks for the PR! We already have instructions for updating Juno in our official docs here:, which are linked in the GitHub repo. I'd like to keep our README simple. What do you think?

Good job, clear and simple

IronGauntlets commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the issue and PR