NethermindEth / juno

Starknet client implementation.
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Get `AddressRange` & `ContractRange` #1903

Closed ashu26jha closed 2 weeks ago

ashu26jha commented 2 weeks ago

Currently this PR only covers AddressRange, ContractRange is mostly based upon the AddressRange. Will be adding ContractRange after the tests and correcting the implementation if needed.

This is mostly based this branch

IronGauntlets commented 2 weeks ago

why is the child hash logic changed?

IronGauntlets commented 2 weeks ago

Also, how much of this code is Ashraf's?

ashu26jha commented 2 weeks ago

Also, how much of this code is Ashraf's?

Most of code is based on Ashraf's work (the branch I added in description) I have fixed it work of new ProofNode definitions, fixed few Todo's. I have to write tests also