Nets-mobile-acceptance / Netaxept-Android-SDK

PiA Netaxept Android SDK is a library that provides the native In-App interaction to perform Netaxept payments directly from an app on Android devices while minimizing PCI DSS requirements for you.
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ConcurrentModificationException from PiaActivity in SDK v 2.6.4 in initiate Payment #54

Closed arberg closed 1 year ago

arberg commented 2 years ago

ConcurrentModificationException from PiaActivity in SDK v 2.6.4

API=31 DeviceInfo=samsung_SMG991B_o1s_false Brand=samsung Device=o1s Manufacturer=samsung Model=SM-G991B Product=o1sxeea

Event summary 6.7.1 (271) 12 Galaxy S21 5G 7 May 2022, 17:40:25

Fatal Exception: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextNode ( (
eu.nets.pia.ui.main.PiaActivity.v (Unknown Source:1)
a.a.a.d.e.d.a (Unknown Source:43)
a.a.a.d.e.b$ (Unknown Source:4) (

The error occurred durring an initiated of a payment using a saved card.

MerchantInfo{id=731456, test=false, cvc=false} and orderInfo: OrderInfo{amount='210.0', currencyCode='NOK'}

Miss-PiA commented 2 years ago

@arberg Could you please let us know, how we can reproduce the issues or PiASDK integration steps to be followed.

Miss-PiA commented 1 year ago

Hi @arberg, Please try Netaxept-Android-SDK v2.7.0. If issue still persist let us know the steps to reproduce the issue and re-open this issue again.


arberg commented 1 year ago

Thank you, I will try the new version and report if I see problems in it.