NetsOSS / headless-burp

Automate security tests using Burp Suite.
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Headless Burp Proxy doesn't start when no commandline params are passed to it #6

Closed anandsudhir closed 6 years ago

anandsudhir commented 6 years ago

Reported by Stefano Cecconello via email

"I tried to use burp proxy extension, but it gets me an error. This is my command: java -Xmx1G -Djava.awt.headless=true -classpath headless-burp-proxy-master-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar:burpsuite_pro.jar burp.StartBurp --project-file=project.burp

This is the error: Proxy: Proxy service started on Extender: Legacy extension found Extender: Headless Burp Proxy: No arguments found for Headless Burp, quitting

Do you have any idea about this error?"

anandsudhir commented 6 years ago

This is a bug and was introduced due to some refactoring i did a while ago.

As a workaround to the issue, just passing a param -v should work