NetworkVerification / nv

A Framework for Modeling and Analyzing Network Configurations
MIT License
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Include not processed when file starts with a multi-line comment #46

Open alberdingk-thijm opened 4 years ago

alberdingk-thijm commented 4 years ago

The following code does not process the include when it's run.


(* Comment --

include "examples/utils.nv"
(* include isn't processed: defines mapo, mapbetter *)

type attribute = option[int]

let nodes = 2

let edges = { 0=1; }

let trans e x = mapo (fun x -> x + 1) x

let merge n x y = mapbetter (fun x y -> if x < y then x else y) x y

let init n = match n with
  | 0n -> Some 0
  | _ -> None

let assert n x = !(x = None)


Processing comments-mwe.nv

In comments-mwe.nv:

12|  let trans e x = mapo (fun x -> x + 1) x

error: comments-mwe.nv: unbound variable mapo~0

Fatal error: exception Nv_lang__Console.Error("unbound variable mapo~0")
Raised at file "src/lib/lang/", line 104, characters 2-19
Called from file "src/lib/lang/", line 561, characters 23-52
Called from file "src/lib/lang/", line 561, characters 23-52
Called from file "src/lib/lang/", line 551, characters 8-59
Called from file "src/lib/lang/", line 551, characters 8-59
Called from file "src/lib/lang/", line 858, characters 13-41
Called from file "src/lib/lang/", line 829, characters 19-59
Called from file "src/lib/lang/", line 830, characters 10-58
Called from file "src/lib/lang/", line 830, characters 10-58
Called from file "src/lib/lang/", line 830, characters 10-58
Called from file "src/lib/lang/", line 830, characters 10-58
Called from file "src/lib/lang/", line 830, characters 10-58
Called from file "src/lib/", line 343, characters 14-50
Called from file "src/exe/", line 6, characters 31-51
Called from file "src/lib/utils/", line 10, characters 12-16
Called from file "src/exe/", line 32, characters 2-67


Removing the multi-line comment, or moving it after the include fixes this bug. Multiple single-line comments do not have this problem. If single-line comments precede the multi-line comment and the include, the include is also not processed:

(* Comment 1 *)
(* Comment 2 *)
(* Multi-
 * line
include "examples/utils.nv"
DKLoehr commented 4 years ago

Yes, we currently expect that includes are at the beginning of the file. IIRC, the only things allowed before an include statement are empty lines and single-line comments. We could implement a more robust include system, but so far it hasn't been worth the effort.

alberdingk-thijm commented 4 years ago

Gotcha. If I find the time later this month, I can make it work for multi-line comments.