Neural-Systems-at-UIO / Atlas-support

Issue-tracker repository for requests-questions related to HBP atlases
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WHS-Bregma Translator #1

Open ingrre opened 4 years ago

ingrre commented 4 years ago

User requested a general formula to translate coordinates from WHS to bregma. Is this general formula available? Would it perhaps be possible to create a translator/calculator for this?

Tevemadar commented 4 years ago

Simple converter: Page expects comma separated coordinate triplets. Triplets can be separated by comma or new line: x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2 x3,y3,z3 Calculations: xbregma=(xvox-246)*0.0390625 ybregma=(yvox-653)*0.0390625 zbregma=(zvox-440)*0.0390625 where vox coordinates are expressed in voxels and bregma coordinates are provided in millimeters.

Majpuc commented 4 years ago

Could you test it Ingrid?

ingrre commented 4 years ago

It seems to work perfectly! Thank you! I will update this case if I receive any feedback from the user.

Tevemadar commented 4 years ago

There is a more sophisticated converter now at