Neural-Systems-at-UIO / QuickNII
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Fix of fix in FileBuilder.bat #18

Open Majpuc opened 4 years ago

Majpuc commented 4 years ago

What is this issue about?

Tevemadar commented 4 years ago

It's the one "John" found. Originally the FileBuilder.bat did not care about its location, so on Windows 7 it could have worked anywhere, including Program Files, having a space in its path Then Windows 10 came and Microsoft ensured that batch files work slightly differently than in the past 30+ years, so now FileBuilder.bat automatically detects its location and uses full folder names to access its files. This works both on Windows 7 and 10, most of the time. Then came Johannes and put QuickNII in Program Files, and Windows breaks parameters along spaces, unless if they are surrounded by quotation marks, which I knew about just simply forgot. So 4 quotation marks has to be added to FileBuilder.bat, which is a trivial thing, just in itself it does not justify re-releasing multiple gigabytes of files.

Majpuc commented 4 years ago

So, should we move this issue to done? Do new QuickNII users find easily the solution ? if no, we should publish a new version even if it is a small thing, in my opinion.

Majpuc commented 4 years ago

@Tevemadar could you see if this issue is still present in the current released version?

Majpuc commented 3 years ago

I have a user still reporting having problems with Filebuilder. It seems that some user have an issue but not all users. How can we troubleshoot?

Tevemadar commented 3 years ago

Are they using ?

Majpuc commented 3 years ago

It is fixed when they use it yes. But shouldn't it be included in the original download @Tevemadar ?

Majpuc commented 9 months ago

related to special characters in the file path. Will be fixed in next sw releases.