Neural-Systems-at-UIO / VisuAlign

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Developmental atlases in VisuAlign and Meshview #1

Open ingvildeb opened 3 years ago

ingvildeb commented 3 years ago


For the DOPAMAP project it will be of importance to have developmental atlases (the ones at Y:\Dopamine_receptors\devbrains_newmaster_nifti\For_QuickNII) integrated in VisuAlign and Meshview.

It would be useful to begin with one of them, e.g. P28, to validate that all the tools work well together with these atlases.

Best, Ingvild

Majpuc commented 2 years ago

Status on 03.09.2021. Other priorities due to M18 review. This will be followed up later

Majpuc commented 7 months ago

Follow up