NeuralEnsemble / python-neo

Neo is a package for representing electrophysiology data in Python, together with support for reading a wide range of neurophysiology file formats
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Fix digital streams in Intan for the `one-file-per-channel` format in rhd. #1476

Closed h-mayorquin closed 3 days ago

h-mayorquin commented 2 weeks ago

For the header-attached and the one-file-per-signal the digital channels are interleaved and need a bitwise operators to separate the channels but this is not the case for the one-file-per-channel where each digital channel is separated and is already uint16 with 0 and 1s.

This PR patches this behavior so the digital channels can be correctly retrieved for the case of the one-file-per-channel. Unfortunatlely, we don't have a multiple digital channels in the test examples on git to test for this behavior. Any idea on how to test for this @zm711 ?

I tested this for data that I have and it works.

zm711 commented 2 weeks ago

I make a simulated data set for this condition, but maybe we just do it for one of the four formats rhd-fpc? Since the rhs will follow the same convention. Then we can add that to gin make sure that works. Just to make sure we are not making any assumptions maybe I'll do like digital in 03 and digital in 08 so that we have a spread and make sure that still works?

zm711 commented 2 weeks ago

Also the exact same change should be done for rhs. so maybe I should just make examples of both that way you can do both in this PR.

h-mayorquin commented 2 weeks ago

I make a simulated data set for this condition, but maybe we just do it for one of the four formats rhd-fpc? Since the rhs will follow the same convention. Then we can add that to gin make sure that works. Just to make sure we are not making any assumptions maybe I'll do like digital in 03 and digital in 08 so that we have a spread and make sure that still works?

Yeah, that would be great. We can make for both or we can substitute the current ones for 'one-file-per-channel' to have this complexity instead of what we have currently.

h-mayorquin commented 2 weeks ago

Data is on pull request:

zm711 commented 2 weeks ago

Good luck with those tests. :) I swear every time I think the fpc will be easy it takes me like 10 commits to get it all sorted.

h-mayorquin commented 2 weeks ago

Good luck with those tests. :) I swear every time I think the fpc will be easy it takes me like 10 commits to get it all sorted.

This is a cache problem, can you reset the data caches?

h-mayorquin commented 2 weeks ago


You should be able to trigger this work manually.

zm711 commented 2 weeks ago

Not sure why actual testing is running so slowly.

h-mayorquin commented 2 weeks ago

Not sure why actual testing is running so slowly.

It is because it is downloading the data as the cache is failing. The commented line on the cache.

zm711 commented 2 weeks ago

But shouldn't it have done that during the cache step and not during the pytest step?

You know actions way better than I do so I trust whatever you say for that!

h-mayorquin commented 2 weeks ago

But shouldn't it have done that during the cache step and not during the pytest step?

You know actions way better than I do so I trust whatever you say for that!

The cache is failing to restore in the 4th step. Then it goes on without cached data which means all the tests are downloading the data on the spot.


h-mayorquin commented 2 weeks ago

The caches for the new data are being created now:

I guess the cron job was later than I expected.

zm711 commented 2 weeks ago

I see! That makes sense. I thought it would pause regenerate the cache then test for this type of action. Not skip the cache and download live, but makes sense.

zm711 commented 2 weeks ago

@samuelgarcia @alejoe91

let me know if you guys want to take a look. Basically, @h-mayorquin discovered from some neuroconv data that the one-file-per-channel format actually has a different way in how it stores dig-in and dig-out data. So this patch fixes that. It looks good to me and we supplied a set of test files which are passing.

samuelgarcia commented 3 days ago
