NeuralNetworkVerification / Marabou

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Conditional input in verification property #785

Closed AWbosman closed 2 months ago

AWbosman commented 3 months ago

Dear authors,

I am interested in verifying a property where the change a certain input variable can make is dependent on another. In a comment on an issue @MatthewDaggitt gave an example ( x0 +x1 <=1) and I was wondering whether this kind of property is currently supported by Marabou as I have not seen any examples of this.

Originally posted by @MatthewDaggitt in

wu-haoze commented 3 months ago

Hi @AWbosman , Marabou supports general linear constraints over input variables. I usually prefer using the Python API:

Other front ends of Marabou (e.g., VNN_LIB parser) can also take constraints like that.

AWbosman commented 3 months ago

Hi wu-haoze,

Thanks for the quick reply! I will close the issue

EDIT: Could you direct me to an explanation on how to use a vnnlib file as veriifcation property with Marabou? I have a vnnlib as well as a network.

I have tried running command line like this : _Marabou opset_10nopad.onnx spec.vnnlib
There are no errors, but it runs forever and I cannot seem to set a timeout on commandline.

wu-haoze commented 2 months ago

@AWbosman , this is the right way to use it on the command line. ./Marabou --help will show the command line options, including timeout.

The long running time could be due to the sub-optimal implementation of the C++ onnx parser (#754 ) which we are trying to fix. For now, please use the Python API if you want to parse a ONNX network.

wu-haoze commented 2 months ago

Closing the issue due to inactivity. Feel free to re-open if needed.