NeuroAssassin / Toxic-Cogs

A collection of utility, moderation and fun plugins to Red - Discord Bot.
MIT License
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reacticket & deleter having channel issues. #44

Open merfurk opened 3 years ago

merfurk commented 3 years ago

reacticket: !reacticket settings category #tickets Channel "#tickets" not found. - When setting the reacticket channel.

deleter: !deleter channel #music 5 Invalid amount of time. There is a non-number in your wait argument, not including the time type. - When setting deleter channels.

Occurred after encountering a channel with an emoji in its name, has not returned to normal functions after restarting, unloading and reloading cogs, even after starting a fresh copy of the bot. None of the other cogs in use were effected.

28 loaded: admin, announcedaily, application, audio, autoban, bank, Bio, cah, casino, confession, downloader, economy, flag, general, hangman, hider, image, lyrics, maintenance, modlog, monopoly, nsfw, permissions, pokecord, pottermore, shop, trivia, weeedcog 11 unloaded: alias, cleanup, comics, conquest, customcom, filter, mod, mutes, reports, streams, warnings