[x] finish memory explorations for Thursday core issuespecs. Due: multi subject analysis: parallel, parallel offset. Figure out what each core is doing when running the pipelines: does it auto-scale across cores in the multi subject case still?
[x] have ndmg_bids working from docker container. Deliverable: ndmg_bids script that works w fngs pipeline, and is callable from inside docker container using only a bids directory.
[x] relabel nodes in graphml/gpickle files.
[x] replace existing registration QC with ndmg-proper QC.
[x] stretch: extensive multi-dataset simulation using the PR'd branch for ndmg. investigation.
[x] stretch: fix linear intensity issue. either csf regression or slice removal. Did both with 2 slice removal; seemed to have worked well and fixed our issue. Timeseries look good now. Can see the benefits above and compare to here cmp
[x] stretch: add code to discriminability package for plotting timeseries and correlation matrices. Deliverable: in presentation for multi-dataset simulation. All the timeseries and correlation matrices were produced iwth this new function.
[x] obtain MNI EPI template
[x] understand process of direct EPI registration
[x] implement and integrate direct EPI registration (without FNIRT) into pipeline
[x] implement and integrate direct EPI registration (with FNIRT) into pipeline
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