NeuroDataDesign / orange-panda-f16s17

Automated EEG data analysis.
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pointers for bad electrode detection #30

Closed awakenting closed 7 years ago

awakenting commented 7 years ago

Hey, I saw on the website that you're working on bad electrode detection. I happen to work on the same problem atm so I thought you might be interested into the literature I found:

  1. - they are using 4 criterions for bad channels: strong deviations, correlations, high noise and predictability, their github page:

  2. - this is specifically for ERP data

  3. - they assume that you have a "clean" training session and based on that calculate online whether the channels deviate from that "normal" value. their measure is also based on correlations with neighbouring electrodes

I'm currently working on implementing the first one into this toolbox ( but not done yet and also didn't push anything yet.

The mne-python toolbox could also be interesting for you: Their bad channel detection is only based on zscoring though:

Well I hope this is helpful and good luck with the project.

Best, awakenting

rmarren1 commented 7 years ago

wow thanks, this is great, i've had a look at the first one but the rest is new and should help a lot in the future!

rmarren1 commented 7 years ago

@nkumarcc @tsunwong123 @mnatenz1 @jovo ^ Some cool ideas for the future

awakenting commented 7 years ago

just found this nice review, overviewing "all" the artifact related methods that exist: "Methods for artifact detection and removal from scalp EEG: A review"

I don't want to spam your issues so this shall be the last reference I'll post to this issue. I think I will start collecting them on a wiki page or maybe a separate repo on github but feel free to join/watch/star/fork/contribute if you want :)

rmarren1 commented 7 years ago

awesome. i've compiled this and some links we had from before into a master list here

feel free to pull request or let us know if you make your own list!