NeuroDesk / neurocontainers

The containers can be used in combination with our transparent singularity or neurocommand tool, that wrap the executables inside a container to make them easily available for pipelines
MIT License
19 stars 44 forks source link

New container relion 4.0.1.sm61 #688

Closed vnm-neurodesk closed 1 month ago

vnm-neurodesk commented 1 month ago

There is a new container by @stebo85, use this command to test:

bash /neurocommand/local/ relion 4.0.1.sm61 20240528

If test was successful, then add to apps.json to release:

Please close this issue when completed :)

stebo85 commented 1 month ago


vennand commented 1 month ago

The issue with CTFFIND is fixed. I'll add it to app.json

stebo85 commented 1 month ago

Great work :)