NeuroJSON / easyh5

EasyH5 Toolbox - An easy-to-use HDF5 data interface (loadh5 and saveh5) for MATLAB
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Storage Layout saveh5: Contiguous vs Chunked #6

Closed muehleggermartin closed 4 years ago

muehleggermartin commented 4 years ago

Hi I'm using easyh5 to restructure and work on some mass spectrometry data. For some software application I need to save the data CHUNKED instead of CONTIGUOUS. Is there a way to do this with saveh5?

fangq commented 4 years ago

currently, chunk size is only used when the "deflate" filter is used, see

are you suggesting to enable this property without deflate? do you mind submitting a patch?


fangq commented 4 years ago

since there was no response, closing for now.