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Add tutorial package dependencies to Neuroblox install? #13

Open sbrincat opened 1 month ago

sbrincat commented 1 month ago

When running the tutorials on a new Julia install, I got package import errors (ArgumentError: Package <package> not found in current path) for all packages used in the tutorials (currently DifferentialEquations, Graphs, MetaGraphs, Plots, CSV, DataFrames, HypothesisTests).

Easily solved via running a bunch of Pkg.add(), but I feel like this could potentially lose a bunch of users if they hit a bunch of errors right off the bat.

Is there any way to add these dependencies to whatever the Julia equivalent of a is, so these are automatically installed with Neuroblox? I imagine most of these are central to using Neuroblox anyway, so we will want users to have them installed.

Or alternatively, if I was supposed to have installed Julia via some Anaconda-esque route that automatically installs popular numerical/analytics packages, we should definitely direct users to do that.

sbrincat commented 1 month ago

I see now that these are all already in the Project.toml, so I guess this issue becomes: Make it obvious how we expect users to run these tutorials so all the dependencies get installed.

harisorgn commented 1 month ago