When setting up the test for the hemodynamic response model I noticed that I wasn't able to reproduce the numerical solution of the respective differential equations with the Julia implementation of the following equation that spm_int_J allegedly computes
dx = (expm(dt*J) - I)*inv(J)*fx
This was done with ExponentialUtilities.jl
Δx = (exponential!(dt*J[:,:,2]) - I)*inv(J[:,:,2])*reshape(dx[:,:,2],nd-nr)
Putting this on the back burner for now but dropping this Issue here to not forget to check this more thoroughly later.
When setting up the test for the hemodynamic response model I noticed that I wasn't able to reproduce the numerical solution of the respective differential equations with the Julia implementation of the following equation that spm_int_J allegedly computes
dx = (expm(dt*J) - I)*inv(J)*fx
This was done with ExponentialUtilities.jlΔx = (exponential!(dt*J[:,:,2]) - I)*inv(J[:,:,2])*reshape(dx[:,:,2],nd-nr)
Putting this on the back burner for now but dropping this Issue here to not forget to check this more thoroughly later.