NeurodataWithoutBorders / nwb-schema

Data format specification schema for the NWB neurophysiology data format
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Spatial registration of data #103

Closed campagnola closed 4 years ago

campagnola commented 6 years ago

I see good effort here to allow data to be temporally aligned, but there are many types of experiment where spatial alignment is crucial, and (as far as I can tell) this does not appear to be well supported by the spec or API.

Example use cases:

Suggested implementation details:

campagnola commented 6 years ago

Ok, the hackathon went well and we had many productive discussions. Here I will describe the plan that we came up with and that was presented to the group at the end of the hackathon:

Use cases and suggestions

campagnola commented 6 years ago

Schema changes

  1. Addition of a CoordinateSystem class that allows declaration of coordinate systems that are used within the NWB:

        name: string
        description: string
        dimensions: integer number of dimensions, usually 2 or 3.
        units: list of strings describing the unit of length along each axis of the
            coordinate system
        transforms:  list of transforms that link this coordinate system to others defined 
            either in the same file, or to external, standardized coordinate systems such
            as Allen Institute's CCF. 
  2. Addition of a /general/coordinate_systems group that contains instances of CoordinateSystem. Most NWB files would contain a small number (perhaps 0-2) of CoordinateSystem instances; a very common use case might be to have a single CoordinateSystem named "global" to which all other data in the file can be related. In some cases, however, it would be useful to declare multiple coordinate systems that are either linked by transforms (meaning we can map spatial coordinates from one CS to the other), or that are independent (we cannot map coordinates between these).

  3. Addition of a TransformBase class and a collection of subclasses implementing commonly-used transforms:


    Each transform specifies the coordinate system that it maps from (source_cs) and to (destination_cs), and also carries any parameters needed to mathematically specify the transformation. destination_cs could be either one of the coordinate systems defined in /general/coordinate_systems, or a reference to an external / standardized coordinate system.

  4. Anywhere we store spatial data (such as in the electrode positions in an electrode table, or in a SpatialSeries or in the pixel locations in an image), it must be possible to unambiguously define the meaning of these coordinates. Each set of coordinates implicitly defines a coordinate system, so we seek to make this definition more explicit. This is done primarily by the addition of a transform subgroup wherever spatial data is found:

    • Image.transform and ImageSeries.transform would each contain a single instance of a transform with a destination_cs that references one of the entries defined in /general/coordinate_systems. The source_cs parameter would implicitly refer to the pixel/voxel coordinate system of the parent image. That is, the transform maps from pixel/voxel index (row, column) or (frame, row, column) back to the destination_cs.
    • Electrode positions are stored as (x,y,z) vectors in an electrode table. To relate these coordinates to the rest of the experiment, an Electrode.transform would map from the coordinates used in the electrode table to one of the entries in /general_coordinate_systems. For clarity, a set of standard conventions should be adopted that determine the meaning of the implicit source_cs used by Electrode.transform -- for example, a single-shank electrode might define this coordinate system as having its origin at the tip of the shank, and its +x axis pointing along the shank, in the direction of the tip. Similar conventions should be adopted for other types of electrode.
    • SpatialSeries.transform would be used as a more general approach, and it would be up to the experimenter to describe the meaning of the source_cs (although this would not always be necessary; sometimes just having the transformation is sufficient).

Note: In the current schema, it is possible to overspecify relationships between coordinate systems (for example, there may be multiple ways to map from one CS to another, and thus the mapping could be ambiguous depending on the path chosen. This could be mitigated in the Python API by detecting / warning about such conditions, or by refusing to allow them.

campagnola commented 6 years ago

PyNWB API examples

  1. Coordinate systems defined in /general/coordinate_systems can be accessed from the NWB file:
    global_cs = nwb_file.coordinate_systems['global']
  2. Image transforms can be set:
    image = ImageSeries(...)
    image.transform = AffineTransform(matrix, offset, destination_cs=global_cs)
  3. Coordinates can be mapped through transforms:
    global_pts =
    pixel_indices = image.transform.imap(global_pts)
  4. Transforms can be automatically composed together in order to map between any two coordinate systems, as long as they are linked in some way:

    image1.transform = AffineTransform(matrix1, offset1, destination_cs=global_cs)
    image2.transform = AffineTransform(matrix2, offset2, destination_cs=global_cs)
    # Automatically join together [image2.transform.inverse, image1.transform]
    composed_transform = image1.pixel_cs.transform_to(image2.pixel_cs)
    # Map pixel location from one image to another
    pixel_inds2 =
    # Alternatively, these could be combined into one line:
    pixel_inds2 = image1.pixel_cs.map_to(image2.pixel_cs, pixel_inds1)
  5. One issue not resolved is how to reference external standardized coordinate systems; something like:
    ccf_pos = image.pixel_cs.map_to("AICCF", pixel_inds)

    Most of the python transform infrastructure is being developed as an independent package:

bendichter commented 6 years ago

@DavidTingley @samamckenzie

rly commented 4 years ago

We're closing this issue for now, but it is closely related to NWB-related ontologies work being done by @lydiang.