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NMA deep learning course
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Issue fixes #930

Closed spirosChv closed 11 months ago

spirosChv commented 11 months ago

This PR fixes,,,

github-actions[bot] commented 11 months ago
W1D3_Tutorial1 W1D3_Tutorial2 W3D2_Tutorial1 W3D5_Tutorial1
Instructor Open In Colab Open In Colab Open In Colab Open In Colab
Student Open In Colab Open In Colab Open In Colab Open In Colab
Code report for W1D3_Tutorial1 Code report for W1D3_Tutorial1.ipynb ==================================== Quality (pyflakes) ------------------ Total code issues: 0 Style (pycodestyle) ------------------- Total PEP8 violations: 188 Common problems: - 38 instances of E402 (module level import not at top of file) - 36 instances of E226 (missing whitespace around arithmetic operator) - 26 instances of E261 (at least two spaces before inline comment) - 12 instances of E266 (too many leading '#' for block comment) - 11 instances of E302 (expected 2 blank lines, found 0) - 8 instances of E303 (too many blank lines (3)) - 6 instances of E501 (line too long (100 > 88 characters)) - 6 instances of E228 (missing whitespace around modulo operator) - 5 instances of E302 (expected 2 blank lines, found 1) - 5 instances of E703 (statement ends with a semicolon) ---
Code report for W1D3_Tutorial2 Code report for W1D3_Tutorial2.ipynb ==================================== Quality (pyflakes) ------------------ Total code issues: 0 Style (pycodestyle) ------------------- Total PEP8 violations: 160 Common problems: - 40 instances of E226 (missing whitespace around arithmetic operator) - 39 instances of E402 (module level import not at top of file) - 17 instances of E261 (at least two spaces before inline comment) - 8 instances of E266 (too many leading '#' for block comment) - 7 instances of E302 (expected 2 blank lines, found 0) - 5 instances of E501 (line too long (94 > 88 characters)) - 5 instances of E501 (line too long (100 > 88 characters)) - 3 instances of E302 (expected 2 blank lines, found 1) - 3 instances of E501 (line too long (93 > 88 characters)) - 3 instances of E703 (statement ends with a semicolon) ---
Code report for W3D2_Tutorial1 Code report for W3D2_Tutorial1.ipynb ==================================== Quality (pyflakes) ------------------ Total code issues: 0 Style (pycodestyle) ------------------- Total PEP8 violations: 54 Common problems: - 41 instances of E402 (module level import not at top of file) - 10 instances of E501 (line too long (100 > 88 characters)) - 1 instance of E501 (line too long (151 > 88 characters)) - 1 instance of E302 (expected 2 blank lines, found 0) - 1 instance of W292 (no newline at end of file) ---
Code report for W3D5_Tutorial1 Code report for W3D5_Tutorial1.ipynb ==================================== Quality (pyflakes) ------------------ Total code issues: 0 Style (pycodestyle) ------------------- Total PEP8 violations: 233 Common problems: - 62 instances of E402 (module level import not at top of file) - 23 instances of E266 (too many leading '#' for block comment) - 16 instances of E302 (expected 2 blank lines, found 0) - 16 instances of E226 (missing whitespace around arithmetic operator) - 10 instances of E501 (line too long (100 > 88 characters)) - 8 instances of E501 (line too long (101 > 88 characters)) - 7 instances of E305 (expected 2 blank lines after class or function definition, found 0) - 7 instances of E231 (missing whitespace after ',') - 5 instances of E302 (expected 2 blank lines, found 1) - 4 instances of E225 (missing whitespace around operator) ---