To have a better way of communicating in-medium about proposals and instance governance stuff since announcements are effectively invisible and you can't discuss things underneath them anyway. It would be lovely to have sticky posts in home and local feeds. To make that not horrible we need to be able to collapse them down really tiny so they aren't obtrusive. To make that work we need to have something to show when they're collapsed, and a title sounds like a good idea.
Additionally, if posts have titles and you can shrink them down very tiny, then we can also get something like a forum where the post title serves as a "thread" within the "category" of the title.
Additionally Additionally we can make another tab drawer on someone's account that serves more as a longform blog, with all their titled posts
New input field based on content warning for titles
Slugs derived from titles on status creation
Deduplicating slugs within an account
Generating urls for titles posts and using them throughout
Serializing title as HTML in plaintext, markdown, and HTML mode
slug and title are separate fields from text in the REST serialization,
content is the rendered HTML, as masto usually does.
New /accounts/:username/slugs/:slug endpoint to get a single status by slug
HAML templates use titles in page titles and use the slugified url in the head metadata
[ ] Tests, obvi
[ ] How does it federate?
[ ] Title input more visually distinct from CWs
Another PR
Do the minimization thing at top
Actually work on the CSS a bit for once
Make slugs API endpoint an index so we can use it to make a separate page
i will write a longer description later but rn jonny is very hungy.
anyway it's this:
One step towards:
To have a better way of communicating in-medium about proposals and instance governance stuff since announcements are effectively invisible and you can't discuss things underneath them anyway. It would be lovely to have sticky posts in home and local feeds. To make that not horrible we need to be able to collapse them down really tiny so they aren't obtrusive. To make that work we need to have something to show when they're collapsed, and a title sounds like a good idea.
Additionally, if posts have titles and you can shrink them down very tiny, then we can also get something like a forum where the post title serves as a "thread" within the "category" of the title.
Additionally Additionally we can make another tab drawer on someone's account that serves more as a longform blog, with all their titled posts
are separate fields fromtext
in the REST serialization,content
is the rendered HTML, as masto usually does./accounts/:username/slugs/:slug
endpoint to get a single status by slughead
Another PR
API endpoint an index so we can use it to make a separate page