NeuronRobotics / nrjavaserial

A Java Serial Port system. This is a fork of the RXTX project that uses in jar loading of the native code.
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Method readArray returns 0 even though data is available for reading #250

Open ARZZEZZAN opened 5 months ago

ARZZEZZAN commented 5 months ago

I encountered an interesting problem: when calling the readArray(b, off, Minimum) method, which is called exclusively inside your code(namely RTXTPort#1492), the result is 0(Minimum = 1). The b parameter is not empty, the bytes are readable. Presumably the problem may also be caused by the int a = nativeavailable();(RTXTPort#1467) method, which returns 0, which is why Minimum = 1.

Important note, the problem is not static, i.e. it is periodic, sometimes it can read normally, and sometimes the problem pops and it can freeze for a few minutes up.

My code:

      byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];

      inputStream = serialPort.getInputStream();

      while (!isInterrupted())

        // problem is here, it returns 0 sometimes ->
         int bytesRead =; //#RTXTPort inputStream 

        if (bytesRead == -1)



What the problem is and whether it's yours?