Neurosurgery-Brain-Tumor-Center-DiazLab / CONICS

CONICS: COpy-Number analysis In single-Cell RNA-Sequencing
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Questions about predicted cell types as an optional input for CONICSmat and optimizing number of clusters for heatmap #19

Open avln24 opened 4 years ago

avln24 commented 4 years ago

Hi @soerenmueller and @diazlab,

Thank you for this tool! I am a new user to CONICSmat and just had a few questions about applying it to my own dataset. Ultimately, I am looking to apply CONICSmat to my dataset in order to infer CNVs and separate malignant and non-malignant cells. I have been following the tutorial for CONICSmat on the Oligodendroglioma scRNA-seq dataset.

1) I see that one of the optional inputs for CONICSmat is a table with predicted cell types for each cell. I did not see a step in the tutorial that explained how to incorporate this information when running CONICSmat. I want to run CONICSmat with a matrix of normalized expression counts and a table of predicted cell types, how should I go about doing this?

2) Following the tutorial, I saw that after filtering uninformative noisy regions based on the results of the likelihood ratio test and the BIC for each region, a heatmap of posterior probabilities was generated.


With regards to the above line of code, how is the cluster number decided? Is there a method to optimize or choose an appropriate number of clusters?

Thank you in advance.