Neurotech-HQ / heyoo

Opensource python wrapper to WhatsApp Cloud API
MIT License
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How to identify that a message received is a forwarded message? #52

Open rbarcelos opened 1 year ago

rbarcelos commented 1 year ago

I was not able to identify any properties on heyoo or even on the cloud api that could help me with that. The Twilio python Api provides that. Am I missing anything?


soerenetler commented 1 year ago

I also could not find anything when looking into it :/ I hope this will change in the future. I think twilio is still based on the WhatsApp Business API.

    "object": "whatsapp_business_account",
    "entry": [
            "id": "105479062471xxx",
            "changes": [
                    "value": {
                        "messaging_product": "whatsapp",
                        "metadata": {
                            "display_phone_number": "xxx",
                            "phone_number_id": "117706821235xxx",
                        "contacts": [{"profile": {"name": "Sören"}, "wa_id": "xxx"}],
                        "messages": [
                                "from": "xxx",
                                "id": "wamid.HBgNNDkxNzY1MjE2Mzg0NxUCABIYEjZBNTIxMkU3Q0FEQzk4Qxxxxx",
                                "timestamp": "1676295155",
                                "text": {"body": "Message"},
                                "type": "text",
                    "field": "messages",