Neurotech-HQ / heyoo

Opensource python wrapper to WhatsApp Cloud API
MIT License
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Can messages send to groups? #57

Open richi1993 opened 1 year ago

richi1993 commented 1 year ago

Is it possible to send messages to a group via the api? Instead of using the recipient_id using the group_id?

Kalebu commented 1 year ago

From What I know WhatsApp Cloud API only supports mobile numbers for now

EljaTrum commented 1 year ago

I'm looking for this too. I haven't tried it, but pywhatkit appears to got it working.

Would be great if it would be possible with Heyoo too.

Kalebu commented 1 year ago

Hi @EljaTrum

You have to know Heyoo and Pywhatkit serves an entirely different purpose and differ in their architecture

Pywhatkit sends messages and images by automating the browser and not through the official WhatsApp Cloud API while Heyoo is made to simplify the python integration with the WhatsApp Cloud API therefore it only supports what is officially supported by the APIs and currently Sending messages to group is not officially supported by the API

CecilRoffey commented 1 year ago

Sending to a group works against a set time, but im trying to send instantly example

pywhatkit.sendwhatmsg_to_group_instantly("ID123456789XX", "test here")

Gives no error but also does not work