As part of documenting the plugin's functionality to new users, a brief video detailing the features and usage of the plugin is highly valuable for both education and marketing purposes.
Assemble a short, catchy video that outlines the vast majority of the current feature list:
Foals inherit their attributes using a more deterministic system with configurable randomness
A horse registration system that tracks gender, parents, and owner
Genders are species-appropriate and prevent non-viable pairs from mating. The male:female ratio is configurable, allowing a certain degree of economy in breeding desirable studs
Viable males can be gelded, allowing dedicated breeders to ensure control over their bloodlines
All registered horses have a unique "HorseID", a unique human-readable name prefixed with a hashtag that can be used in commands, or for players who don't like to name every horse they own.
Players can inspect horses to view a horse's owner, parents, and exact attributes. Config options allow non-ops to only view parent & owner info, or to disable inspection entirely.
Any horse spawned tame is automatically registered to the system
Breeding two horses who are parents or direct siblings results in an inbred foal
"Secret horses" with better-than-vanilla attributes can be spawned through hidden means, and only one can exist at a time.
Players with op permission can use the following commands:
List all registered horses, showing horseID, name, and owner
View Inspector data for any registered horse, searching by name or horseid
Teleport to any registered horse
Teleport any registered horse to themselves
Spawn a new horse with user-defined custom data & attributes
Change the custom data & attributes of any existing horse
Change plugin settings live in-game without needing to reload
As part of documenting the plugin's functionality to new users, a brief video detailing the features and usage of the plugin is highly valuable for both education and marketing purposes.
Assemble a short, catchy video that outlines the vast majority of the current feature list: