Nevcairiel / Bartender4

ActionBar AddOn for World of Warcraft
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Priest Disc and Shadow use same bar #190

Closed kaiseryoda closed 3 months ago

kaiseryoda commented 4 months ago


I don't know how to ask this, but i have problem with my action bars.

If i change from disc to holy and go back, everything works fine. Both Specs has separate bars. Ex: if i put renew in 1 for holy and 2 for disc, when i change spec, everything swap for the right place.

But it's don't work with Disc and Shadow looks like they use same action bar When i change specs, every skill exclusive for disc, just disapeare and common skill remain in same place, even if they are wrong for other spec settings.

Holy and Shadow works fine too

kaiseryoda commented 3 months ago

Resolved using howto from this post

1 - Delete all existing loadouts. 2 - Create a new loadout for each spec you want to use. 3 - Highlight the loadout, and you’ll see a settings button. Click it. 4 - In this menu, select “Shared Action Bars”. Make sure you do this on all loadouts you’ve created and in each spec you care about. 5 - Try adding some SPEC (Not class) abilities on your current action bars. Then, switch specs to test out if they stick this time.

kaiseryoda commented 3 months ago
