Closed Paroyer closed 4 years ago
I've just added very rudimentary quest item detection for items actually marked as quest items by the game
Yeah that's perfect with this brother!
Sorry to talk on such on old post. But can this feature be optional ? The golden glow inside the item isn't only on actual quest items, it's also on "keys", like Maraudon Scepter and Zull'Farrak Mallet. And on other items like the Blacksmithing trinket.
An option or what not to give a special color to quest item could be awesome, only little thing that keeps me on Bagnon even tho i really prefer your UI. I dont know how they done this but with Bagnon quest item are bright yellow. Oh and also just cause I talk about bagnon it's not much important but a slider for item glow intensity could be even more awesome, i know it's not everyone that necesserly like the same glow.