New-Club-Penguin / NewCP-App

NewCP Electron app
MIT License
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Installing NewCP on Fedora -- compilation issue #32

Open alicia-pugh opened 3 months ago

alicia-pugh commented 3 months ago

Hi! I'm a beginner with installing/running packages of this type. I'm operating on Fedora 34. I mostly use my computer for bioinformatics purposes, so I install most of my software via mamba and the Bioconda repository! NewCP is a little more complicated :) My issue might (quite likely) not have anything to do with your package, but I'm really struggling to find answers elsewhere.

I have downloaded the electron, node, and yarn dependencies. When I try to run 'yarn start' within the NewCP file, where the file 'package.json' is located, I get the following:

yarn start yarn run v1.22.19 $ electron-forge start ✔ Checking your system ✖ Locating Application

Electron forge was terminated: You must depend on "electron-prebuilt-compile" in your devDependencies error Command failed with exit code 1. info Visit for documentation about this command.

Does the order in which one installs node, electron etc. influence the way the program works? Have I sonehow installed teh dependencies wrong? Am I completely off-base? What would you recommend I do at this point?

alicia-pugh commented 3 months ago

(I have, of course, visited the link. Didn't help)