NewChromantics / PopMovieTexture_Release watermarked releases of PopMovieTexture Unity plugin. Repository itself contains ONLY demo projects, download the .unitypackage from the releases page. Purchase from the asset store!/content/59097
29 stars 8 forks source link

Investigate Bink lisencing (Bink now supported) #66

Closed SoylentGraham closed 8 years ago

SoylentGraham commented 8 years ago

Implemented, but need to check if I can distribute the implementation (even if it requires a license on the users side).

For anyone that already has a license and wants to try it, contact me (

SoylentGraham commented 8 years ago

Not allowed publically. Bink integrations availible on a per-contract basis to comply with Bink/Rad's lisencing