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headarmswing - Can't sprint can't change speed #3

Open Huzwifi opened 2 months ago

Huzwifi commented 2 months ago

I know the mod is working because i can change its values in the plugins panel and the physical jump setting works but sprinting doesn't. No matter what value i change or how hard i swing my arms my speed doesn't change and i walk super slow always everywhere. Average mod made in ohio 💀

Pondruk commented 2 months ago

I think this is intended to work with Classic Twinstick tho, if you're using Arm Swinger it might not work as intended

Huzwifi commented 2 months ago

I am on classic twin stick

Pondruk commented 2 months ago

Stupid question buuuut have you tried pushing BOTH the analog sticks upward while moving?

NewGenerationAlms commented 2 months ago

Armswing sprinting is only activated after you move your joystick (walking) and enable sprinting in TwinStick as usual, so sprinting be either "Click-in Left hand thumbstick" or "Push forward right hand analog stick".
To make sure this isn't a bug (the mod seems to be working for me as of yesterday), could you reset all config values to their default, and then try walking with the joystick, then press your sprint modifier button, then start swinging your arms. Note that I have my default "walking" speed set to the lowest, you can change this in the game's settings panel.

These last mods I've been publishing have less user-instructions as I have less time to dedicate to modding and they're mainly to augment my gameplay to my personal preferences. I post the code here so others can copy it and make spinoffs if they like :)