NewGenerationAlms / NgaShareableCode

Code that I, Nga, will share
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Moveable QB Slots - Issues (Vive mode incompatibility) and Suggestions #4

Open CodeBatcher opened 1 month ago

CodeBatcher commented 1 month ago

There's two distinct issues which makes the Moveable Quick Belts slots a bit less compatible with the Vive mode.

Such as when grabbing onto the tiny see through bubble it does not register the sticks, nor does it allow you to rotate the corresponding item inside the slot.

This issue occurs due to the fact Vive mode uses (Trigger button as grip in order to grab things, Moveable QB slots doesn't recognize this change which renders the Vive mode unresponsive to the rotation code since the Grip + Trigger is missing.

Which is connected to the second issue, grabbing the bubble normally would require the grip + trigger in order to move the highlight square around, except, with the Vive mode it doesn't require the grip only trigger due to them being swapped around, so moving around the highlight is gonna collide with reloads such as grabbing from the highlight In order to receive the item where the grab gets in the way as the mod register (Vive mode) grip swapped to trigger as both it is prone to be very finnicky making it difficult to not move the highlight unintended.

A suggestion I want to make in order to get around this issue as well, is perhaps giving us the ability to disable the interactions between the QB Slots by making the config editable in the game itself, it would be a great addition and a fast work around.

while for the rotation issue, it would be great if you could make the trigger and grip recognize as distinctive keys in Vive mode.

NewGenerationAlms commented 1 month ago

Hey sorry but that was a commissioned mod which I did not complete (I got bored and I don't really use it myself). Therefore, the mod contains a lot of specific design choices that had the mod's sponsor in mind (they used Quest controllers) and it's not polished or feature complete.

I don't really maintain older mods like this which I don't use, but if you'd like to fix it yourself or entice someone to fix it for you, I can upload the Unity package of it so you can create an improved version :)

These last mods I've been publishing have less user-instructions as I have less time to dedicate to modding and they're mainly to augment my gameplay to my personal preferences. I post the code here so others can copy it and make spinoffs if they like :)