NewGraphEnvironment / dff-2022

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`mapping_code_{sp}` and `streams_{sp}` symbology for resident species when `HYDRO` (dams) are involved #127

Closed NewGraphEnvironment closed 9 months ago

NewGraphEnvironment commented 11 months ago

For areas like the KOTL watershed group, all streams are above dams. We deal with "resident" fish populations so still need to have map symbology that helps us understand connectivity in the watershed group.

In the current symbology specs for the bcfishpass qlr DAM is involved. Guessing this is meant to be HYDRO.... @smnorris - is the DAM in the symbology of the streams layer meant to be HYDRO ? Is this issue already dealt with somehow for places like the ELKR watershed group - ?

Editing the qgs project file or a layer specific qlm to swap out DAM for HYDRO in the mapping_code_{sp} columns of the bcfishpass.streams layer for resident species of interest such as bt and wct allows us to see symbology but shows everything upstream of the dams as blocked so does not symbolize connectivity above the dams (see screenshots below). Potential path forward?:

will load example project to Q and share for collaboration in case that is helpful



Before editing qgs file image

After editing qgs file to swap DAM for HYDRO image

After editing symbology to swap orange for red when HYDRO involved


smnorris commented 11 months ago

Yes - focus has been on salmon/steelhead, mapping of resident spp behind dams need to be resolved.

smnorris commented 11 months ago

open issue in bcfishpass is here

smnorris commented 11 months ago

Yes, agree everything upstream of dams for resident species should be coloured as per above modelled/potential barriers. I also think that we don't really need HYDRO in the mapping code, a dam is a dam in terms of symbolization for resident species. The HYDRO code is more for mapping of historic anadromous habitat and I'm not sure it is really needed at this point either.

NewGraphEnvironment commented 11 months ago

Hmmm. Maybe we’re not quite there yet with that symbolization with that adjustment. Really we want to be able to fix culverts on tribs to main rivers (Kootenay River in that example) and be able to visualize that its restored connectivity within the system… As it is there, if I have my head wrapped around it correctly, If we don’t fix the dams we won’t be able to visualize any connectivity restoration work getting done upstream… maybe the HYDRO label could be useful still but perhaps it could be ignored for our use case of exploring road/stream crossing restoration opportunities…

smnorris commented 11 months ago

For barriers that get fixed we are already symbolizing as green (upstream of the barrier, and I think the coding is now smart enough to only consider stream immediately upstream of the restoration, downstream of additional barriers) But for resident spp, some other colour indicating upstream of dam but not upstream of a modelled crossing would be useful.

NewGraphEnvironment commented 11 months ago

The concept of a HYDRO label for historic anadromous access is actual pretty awesome. There is TONS going on these days in the KOTL and LARL etc reagarding reintroductions (happening already with huge fry releases planned very soon) and modelling for salmon suitability. For those watershed groups dams in states should prob be considered too. All that is likely too much to deal with right now but perhaps the HYDRO label need not be changed - just pulled into the symbology. Just a thought…

smnorris commented 11 months ago

I have added a column to streams table that indicates if the next barrier downstream is a dam. Those streams can be given a different colour, and streams upstream of modelled crossings / PSCIS barriers retain current colour. It isn't perfect but seems better than current style and can be adjusted as we figure this out.

smnorris commented 11 months ago

I'll add a column indicating if a hydro dam is the next barrier downstream as well. But I'll hold off on any changes to anadromous symbology for now.