Open NewGraphEnvironment opened 1 year ago
ef1 upstream on brule looks to be on the road. Shifting on map and in spreadsheet would be good. might be easiest to just shift manually in map
We shoul have species IDs for the fish points where we captured fish and our stream sample sites are not FISS yet so we could rename those points in the legend (could just remove "FISS")
The stream layer in the legend only mentions spawning habitat but there is also symbology for "rearing" that should be included. You might be able to hack it by pulling a screenshot from the Hillcrest maps of the little stamp that provides the parameters_habitat
criteria that the modelling is based on too.
Do you still want me to include fish observation points from past years? They are in the map now. I could take them out, or make them a different symbology to the fish points from 2022.
i thinks its fine to leave them and have same symbology. Have a peek at simons maps from the past as we always give him the fish data too. bulkley is probably best examples as we sample there every year. can look at reports to see which maps have fish sites
I updated the map. Let me know if that looks better and if the legend looks ok. I added the model paramaters below the map in the rmd doc. If I added it to the legend it would have been too small and you would not have been able to read it in the report.
well - i think maybe we just skip it. in the future we can consider that these type of detailed maps are served differently than in the rmd as a figure since they are so small. We can post them to a server so the veiwer gets to see the whole screens worth and can download them for use in the field with avenza. As far as including the param in the reporting, perhaps we skip for now since we usually put that detail in the methods built right from the bcfishpass
csv. Should maybe feather it in some how or pull out our hab modelling tables but will ignore now to get a draft off
Ya I was adjusting the map details appropriately so it looked good in the report rmd but I agree for that level of detail it should have been posted to a server so it fills the whole page. But I don't know how to do that. You should show me how at some point when you got the time. That would be rad.
map needs updating to show fish species and nfc correct electrofishing sites - could use IDs with us and ds included to aid cross referenceing to table (if seems helpful) add dewatering in reach 5 with label to make it easy to see add label to falls in Brule to make it easy for viewer to see where it is
see what these fonts have to offer - I believe these are the standardized fonts for symbols for things like dewatering and may include proper reach break symbols
reach breaks could be more like a very bold capital I and rotated to be exactly perpendicular to streamline. Have a look at some old fisheries maps used in inventory projects to see how the symbology looks.
I downloaded those font but couldn't find symbols for dewatering and reach breaks. I did update the reach break symbol myself though. What about the symbols we use for the pdf maps? Those are rad, can I download those from somewhere?
[x] us_ef1 on brule looks to be on the road and the label for it is super far away.
[x] Reach break labels should be visible and placed in a position more consistent so the reader can easily see which is Reach 2, 3 and 4. Reach break 2 can be moved slighly down and rotated perpindicular so that site fish sampling site us_ef4 falls inside of Reach 3. Same with us_ef6. It falls inside of Reach 5. Once corrected please export as geopackage to project directory or repo so coordinates of reach breaks can be extracted for reporting.
[x] falls label on Brule could be centred over the falls vs over the fish point. dewatering
label shold be centered over obstacle point.
[x] Our fish sites are not FISS sites. FISS sites came from FISS. There should be delineation of which are FSS sites and which are fish collection sites that we put in. This could be done a number of different ways including changing the label font of one or the other making a note in the legend or changing the symbol altogether like Hillcrest does
[x] labels of sample sites could be better aligned with the sites. Some are really far away.
[x] lock layers and styles so that we can mess with the project and the map will not be altered
[x] pretty sure us_ef6 was not electrofished at all and are the comments meant to say that the suveyors worked their way back to where the water ended (vs started) and surveyed 300m upstream of there? Unless the photos show some sort of watered area and we can confirm that they actually fished - the site needs to be renamed to remove the ef
and the fish point (nfc
) pulled from the spreadsheet and the objects all rebuilt. sigh
As perhaps we all know, using the view current map extent in main canvas
button in Item Properties of Map 2
can be useful for shifting labels efficiently
start with brule and weigert then we can use it as a template
use a template which leverages expressions for things like title, scale, date, etc. The Standard A4 landscape template in the mergin project could be used for these
"Save template" to mergin when done so we can leverage elsewhere