NewGraphEnvironment / fish_passage_fraser_2023_reporting
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Submit Phase 1 data #108

Open NewGraphEnvironment opened 5 days ago

NewGraphEnvironment commented 5 days ago

Unfortunately we need a windows machine to QA the final spreadsheet, package and submit (from all I can tell anyway).

I have machine so Lucy if you are able to get the spreadsheet ready and photos to ~/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-Personal/Projects/submissions/PSCIS/2023/fraser I can take it from there

I will link to here with csv export from the two projects and script used to generate it.

NewGraphEnvironment commented 5 days ago

just changed name of export submission (as above) to match purpose of last linked script ( scripts/05_pscis_export_to_template.R ). Here is the latest version of the script to get all the photos into one place

of course will need to be run twice to get photos from both QGIS projects vs just the one as in the Skeena

NewGraphEnvironment commented 5 days ago

Actually - here is the last time an export was done. it was simplified with fs calls and comes from just the reassessments section of fish_passage_moti_2022_reporting

d$pscis_crossing_id will be d$my_crossing_reference since it is phase 1 vs reassessments ;>

## Reassessments-----------------------------------------------------------------
# this was updated July 2024 using Skeena 2023 as template

# PSCIS Submissions -------------

tfpr_filter_list <- function(idx){

tfpr_photo_change_name <- function(filenames_to_change = filestocopy_list){
  gsub(filenames_to_change, pattern = path, replacement = targetdir)

name_repo <- 'fish_passage_moti_2022_reporting'
name_pdf <- 'Moti2022.pdf'
url_github <- ''
url_gitpages <- ''
name_submission <- 'pscis_reassessments.xlsm'

# need to add photos to local machine to upload to PSCIS
targetdir = fs::path('/Users/airvine/Library/CloudStorage/OneDrive-Personal/Projects/PSCIS/2022/reassessments', name_repo)

d <- fpr::fpr_import_pscis(workbook_name = 'pscis_reassessments.xlsm')

folderstocopy<- d$pscis_crossing_id %>% as.character()

path <- fs::path_wd('data/photos/')

path_to_photos <- fs::path(path, folderstocopy)

# here we transfer just the photos with labels over into the PSCIS directory where we will upload from to the gov interface


folderstocreate<- fs::path(targetdir, folderstocopy)

##create the folders

filestocopy_list <- path_to_photos %>%
  purrr::map(fpr::fpr_photo_paths_to_copy) %>%

##view which files do not have any photos to paste by reviewing the empty_files object
empty_idx <- which(!lengths(filestocopy_list))
empty_files <- empty_idx %>% tfpr_filter_list()

##rename long names if necessary

photo_sort_tracking <- path_to_photos %>%
  purrr::map(fpr::fpr_photo_document_all) %>%
  purrr::set_names(folderstocopy) %>%
  bind_rows(.id = 'folder') %>%
  mutate(photo_name = str_squish(str_extract(value, "[^/]*$")),
         photo_name_length = stringr::str_length(photo_name))

###here we back up a csv that gives us the new location and name of the original JPG photos.
## Not ideal because we did some sorting by hand without adding name of camera to the file name but a start on reproducibility nonetheless

##burn to csv
photo_sort_tracking %>%
  readr::write_csv(file = 'data/photos/photo_sort_tracking_reassessments.csv')

filestopaste_list <- filestocopy_list %>%

##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!copy over the photos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
       path =  filestocopy_list,
       new_path = filestopaste_list)

##also move over the pscis file
fs::file_copy(path = fs::path('data', name_submission),
              new_path = fs::path(targetdir, name_submission),
              overwrite = T)

#make a little readme for the pdf for upload to ecocat and other details
    "Online interactive report is located at: ",
    paste0(url_gitpages, name_repo),
    "A versioned pdf of the report can be downloaded from: ",
    paste0(url_github, name_repo, "/raw/main/docs/", name_pdf),
    "Raw data is available here: ",
    paste0(url_github, name_repo, "/tree/main/data"),
    "All scripts to produce online interactive reporting and pdf are located at: ",
    paste0(url_github, name_repo),
    sep = "\n"
  fs::path(targetdir, 'readme.txt')

##in the future we will need to add the copy calls to move the directory off of onedrive to
#  the windows machine used for project submission.  Don't want to set up the machine right now
# so will do it by hand. What an insane pain
lucy-schick commented 5 days ago

cool. I'll get on it

lucy-schick commented 5 days ago

csvs have time attached to the date, we will have to fix and reburn to csv.

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lucy-schick commented 5 days ago

nevermind! found the date column! dont use date_time_start, use date

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